Nutricare - Healthy foods for a productive nation
NutriCare promotes nutrition-sensitive agribusiness to maximize agriculture contribution on reduction of malnutrition in the community through
a variety of partnership and capacity development among female participants.

What is our model?
NutriCare promotes nutrition-sensitive agribusiness to maximize agriculture contribution on reduction of malnutrition in the community through a variety of partnership and capacity development among female participants.
Capacity building
Identified and contracted participants are trained to utilize climate smart latest technologies in both legume protein crops and micro-livestock management in older to improve and retain skills and knowledge to do their farming competently.
Market linkages
For surplus produce, we connect participants to sustainable and profitable market potential partners for protein based crops. We provide warehouses for storage solution and latest information for advice on market fluctuations for timely harvesting and selling to increase profit.
Access to farm inputs on loan
The trained participants obtain productivity enhancing inputs on loan basis for sustainability sake in form of inputs such as certified seeds, fertilizers, cricket pinheads, and working capital to allow participants to improve quality and quantity of their production to maximize income. Repayment will be made by installments as per agreement within a growing season.
Dr. Akinwumi A. Adesina.
‘‘The greatest contributor to economic growth is not physical infrastructures, but brain power: what I refer to as ‘grey matter infrastructure’.’’
Processing and value addition
NutriCare provides technical advice to our contracted female participants in on farm and off farm processing to reduce post-harvest losses, preserve nutrients and add value to produce to attract profitable prices. Food processing is essential for making nutritionally rich foods available all year round. NutriCare buys some and processes it into novel cricket-maize-soybean stiff porridge meal.